Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Microsoft’s Small Business Accounting 2006 Update

I was reading recently in Accounting Technology about be experiences of my fellow colleagues regarding their experiences with clients inquiring about MS Small Business Accounting (MSSBA) and just like myself many have not received the inquiries that Microsoft was probably hoping for. Most of the comments from their clients were “Microsoft makes a small business software package!?!?” I am here to say I receive the same responses when I notify people of their software offering. When doing a recent seminar for small businesses, I noticed that the attendees all looked at me with blank amazement that there was something else out there for small businesses. With further research into the product, I believe many small businesses may find a benefit in MSSBA.

For the small business owner that requires an accounting software package that seamlessly integrates into all their other Microsoft programs, MSSBA will be a great fit. It also will help the small business owner that is moving from “shoebox” recordkeeping to a more secure technological simple process.

For the accounting professional new to MSSBA, Microsoft is now offering CPE credits for certification on MSSBA, in an effort to get more accountants to become familiar with the software. I recently received information regarding this new update via Microsoft’s Professional Accountants Network (MPAN). These initiatives may allow Microsoft to take a piece of the small business market away from Intuit (QuickBooks, Quicken) and I am eager to see how this plays out.

For information check out:

Keep Your Business In Synergy

Brian N. Stovall
The Brico Group, Inc.

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