Thursday, October 28, 2010

10 Signs Your Small Biz may be ready for the clouds

Cloud computing continues to make inroads into our everyday lives as indicated by many surveys taken recently. That got me wondering if small business owners were also embracing the cloud more for the coming year. There are still quite a few small businesses out there that feel the need to continue to use on premise software for their operations feeling that if it ain’t broke…well you know the rest. The importance of using the cloud finally came to a head when I was recently on an engagement and before I could start to work, I had to update the software. So I came up with a brief list of 10 signs that your small business is ready for the clouds:

1. You receive a CD to load the software

2. You have to go thru a registration/renewal process

3. A new version comes out every year

4. Software has to be updated

5. You have to call tech support for problems

6. You spend time being tech support researching your own problem

7. Support contract expires every 3-4 years

8. Corrupted data issues

9. Desktop has too many version icons

10. Your PC runs slower

Listen to me elaborate a bit more about the list here:


This is just a quick list of things I see when working with clients why the cloud would help them lower their costs, increase productivity and efficiency and let them focus on growing their businesses. If anyone can think of any more or even why a small business owner should stay with on premise software feel free to post a comment to the post.

The Tech Accountant

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